Saturday, November 14, 2009

My name

My name, Krithika. When I was younger, I really didn't care about my name and didn't mind at all of what people call me. But now that I am older, I can see the value of my name and I am a lot more careful about what people call me. My name is very unique and it is very rare. Almost no one in the world has it. I have been teased about my name once in school, in grade 6. It was all my Math teacher's fault. But I wouldn't blame her because it was a accident. She called me "Cricket" once and soon the whole grade started calling me that.
My name means god's gift and it is originated from Asia. My name is the name of a star ( the ones you see in the sky every night). My name was first created from the names, Kartika and Kirtika. At first people struggle to say my name as they get tangled up with the R’s. At first, they get tangled in the R's and pronounce it wrong but after a few days, they get used to all the R's and pronounce it properly. My name really goes with the flow of my last name which is Krishnan. Krishnan is also another name for the Indian god, Krishna. Even if my name is hard to pronounce, I will always live up to my name.
I found this poem on the Internet and I really like it because I know that my parents were blessed when they got me and this poem is kind of like that.

One day when God felt generous,
He looked down at me and smiled,
"Since I feel so magnanimous,
I'd like to give you something, child."
He asked me what I wanted,
I said, "Oh, really nothing more,
You've done so much already."
He said, "That's what God is for."
"You have been pretty good," He said,
I know there's not much that you seek,
I will pick a little something,
Just to make your life complete."
With great anticipation,
I looked forward to my gift,
I wondered what God had in mind,
That would give me such a lift.
"This gift, God said "You realize,
Bears some responsibility,
So, if you accept my present,
You must be willing to agree...
"To offer unconditionally,
A section or a part,
Of more than half of you,
The larger portion of your heart."
"Okay, God," I answered,
"Since in You, I always trust,
I'll meet your obligation,
In the manner that I must."
To myself, I thought, wow, what a gift,
For so much of me, God's asked,
Now what could be so valuable,
That my share was more than half?
With both hands I sought my gift,
I still did not have a clue,
Then God put your hand in mine,
And said His gift to me was YOU!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Where the hell is Matt?"

"Where the hell is Matt?" This video didn't make any sense at first but then I thought that he was trying to say that when countries come together then we can all make peace. That would explain him going around the world doing that freakish dance. I think it also means that if everyone is as happy as how they are in this video then the world will be united and there won't be World Wars and basically any types of fights.

I chose this picture because it shows people around the world coming together as the video also shows the world coming together.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Compliment guys mission:Cheer up America!!

After watching this video 'Compliment Guys' I realized that you can make people happy just by saying the simplest (and almost something that you rarely notice) comments. For the few minutes of the video I was thinking to myself that standing on the sidewalk of a road and complimenting random people on their clothes is a pretty silly way to cheer people but when they started to explain why they were doing it, everything started to fall into place in my head.


I chose this picture because 'Compliment guys" is a video of two men cheering people up and people smile when they are happy.


"Life is a climb"

To me, this quote mean that life is a climb and that if u don't succeed at first however hard the matter is just keep trying, keeping in mind that we can always do something if we put our mind into it. This quote caught my attention as it tells me that you can't get things when you first try it. You have to try and try and try and don't give up. I chose this picture because it tells me that (like my quote) that life is a climb.
